推送更新後收到Github官方的通知信,內容說到以密碼為執行Git操作的基本身份認證方式已經要棄用了,要使用者改用Access Token。
通知信中給了一個連結:Token authentication requirements for Git operations
Workflows affected
- Command line Git access
- Desktop applications using Git (GitHub Desktop is unaffected)
- Any apps/services that access Git repositories on GitHub.com directly using your password
The following customers remain unaffected by this change:
- If you have two-factor authentication enabled for your account, you are already required to use
- token- or SSH-based authentication.
- If you use GitHub Enterprise Server, we have not announced any changes to our on-premises offering.
- If you maintain a GitHub App, GitHub Apps do not support password authentication.
重點就是呢,2021/08/13以前,以密碼為執行Git操作的身份認證方式都還能正常使用,不過還是趕緊改用Access Token吧,生成後要記得設定存取權限,然後將Git密碼改成Access Token就行了。 *How do I update the password for Git?
以下是Github官方文件對於Access Token的一些操作說明: